Common 高血压 Myths

Video: 130 Is Too High For Blood Pressure

Know the facts and bust the myths

Knowing the facts can help you make smart choices. 通过了解 高血压, also known as hypertension, you can shatter these myths.

Myth: High blood pressure runs in my family. There is nothing I can do to prevent it.

High blood pressure can run in families. You are more likely to develop 高血压 if your parents or close blood relatives have had it. 然而, lifestyle choices have allowed many people with a family history of 高血压 to avoid it.

Myth: I don’t use table salt, so I’m in control of my sodium intake and my blood pressure.

Sodium can increase blood pressure for some people. 控制钠 means more than putting down the salt shaker. It also means reading food labels. Most sodium we eat is hidden in processed foods such as tomato sauce, 汤, 调味品, 罐头食品和预制食品. Read the Nutrition Facts labels of prepared and packaged foods. Look for the words “soda” and “sodium” and the symbol “Na” on labels. These words show that sodium is present. 

Myth: I use kosher or sea salt when I cook instead of regular table salt. 它们是低钠的选择.

Kosher salt and sea salt have the same amount of sodium as table salt. It is not healthier to have sea salt or kosher salt instead of table salt.

误解:我感觉很好. I don’t have to worry about 高血压.

超过1亿U.S. 成年人有高血压. Many people have 高血压 for years without knowing it. It’s often called “the silent killer” because it usually has no symptoms.

You may not be aware that it’s damaging your arteries, heart and other organs. 了解你的数字 and don’t assume symptoms will let you know there’s a problem.

Myth: I read that wine is good for the heart. So, I can drink as much as I want.

Heavy and regular use of alcohol can greatly increase blood pressure.

If you drink alcohol, including red wine, do so in moderation. Limit yourself to no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. 一般来说,一杯酒等于:

  • 12盎司啤酒(含量5%)
  • 8-ounce malt liquor (7% content)
  • 一杯5盎司的红酒
  • 1.5盎司80度的酒

Myth: I have 高血压. My health care professional checks it for me. This means I don’t need to check it at home.

Blood pressure readings can vary. 家庭监控 and recording of blood pressure readings can provide your health care professional with valuable information. It can help them determine if you have 高血压 and whether your treatment plan is working. It’s important to take the readings at the same time each day or as your health care professional suggests.

Myth: I was diagnosed with 高血压. I have recently had lower readings, so I can stop taking my medication.

High blood pressure can be a lifelong disease. Follow your health care professional’s recommendations, even if it means taking medication every day for the rest of your life. Blood pressure can increase again if you stop taking medications. 通过与您的 医疗团队, you can reach your treatment goals and enjoy the benefits of better health.