以控制心脏病和中风的高发病率, experts urge prevention and innovation


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(Dumitru Ochievschi/iStock via Getty Images)

高血压, obesity and other risk factors continue to contribute to high rates of heart disease and stroke worldwide, 包括在美国.S. where annual deaths from cardiovascular disease are approaching 1 million.

That's according to an exhaustive statistics report released annually by the 美国心脏协会 that details what's known about heart and brain health.

2024年美国心脏病和中风统计报告.S. 以及来自美国心脏协会的全球数据,周三发表在美国心脏协会期刊《沙巴足球体育平台》上, details the strides made in reducing cardiovascular disease risk – such as the decline in cigarette smoking. But major advances in how to prevent heart disease and stroke have failed to reap the benefits they could, 博士说. 赛斯马丁, a cardiologist at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore and chair of the 43-member group that wrote the report.

“我们非常了解如何改善患者的治疗效果, 但在将其转化为日常实践方面仍存在重大差距,”马丁说。, also a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. "There is a strong need to innovate in our implementation so that we can close those gaps."

Here are highlights from the report about some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


近一半的美国人.S. adults – more than 122 million – have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. The condition damages and weakens arteries, making it easier for them to burst or become blocked. 这会导致心脏病发作、中风和其他问题.

青少年和成年人在收缩期被认为血压偏高, 或者最上面的数, 至少130毫米汞柱, 或者舒张舒张, 或者最下面的数, 是80毫米汞柱还是更高. 儿童也可能患上高血压.

Having high blood pressure in childhood can lead to serious health consequences earlier in adulthood, 博士说. 拉莎印度, an internal medicine doctor and a professor of cardiovascular medicine at Stanford University in California. 帕拉尼亚潘是该报告撰写委员会的副主席.

“从长远来看, 我们可以更早开始用药, 我们必须对中风保持高度警惕, 心脏衰竭和其他问题在未来几十年的早期,她说.

降低血压, 美国心脏协会建议吃低盐的均衡饮食, 限制饮酒, 保持身体活动, 保持健康的体重, 不吸烟, 管理压力,按医嘱服药.


The report cites data from 2020 to 2021 that showed only 15% of teens met federal physical activity guidelines of an hour or more per day.

成年人做得更好, but still only 1 in 4 meet the guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week, 每周进行两天或更多的肌肉强化活动.


“美国大部分地区.S. 并没有遵循健康的饮食模式,”帕拉尼亚潘说.

Indeed, among all cardiovascular health measures in the report, diet was one of the worst. 从0到100分, diet scores averaged 24 to 48 across various groups based on data from the National Health and 营养 Examination Survey from 2013 to 2018.

联邦膳食指南 recommend people follow an eating pattern that includes nutrient-dense food and beverages, 很多水果和蔬菜, 全谷物, 瘦肉蛋白,坚果和种子, 在限制钠的同时, 添加糖, 饱和脂肪和酒精.


该报告发现,42%的美国人.S. 成年人肥胖,20%的儿童和青少年肥胖.

他说:“美国的人口比例.S. 谁超重或肥胖近年来稳步增加. 这非常令人担忧,”马丁说.

"This report tells us we need to promote healthier behaviors starting in youth, and we need to embrace evidence-based weight loss interventions at scale,他说. “肥胖是个大问题,需要多管齐下的解决方案."


这个国家在减少吸烟方面取得了重大进展, 与此同时,美国学生人数持续下降.S. 最近几十年的年轻人和成年人.

但是,该报告发现,许多年轻人已经转向电子烟. 在高中生中, 七分之一的人报告使用电子烟, 尤其是调味的, 在过去的30天里.

A growing body of research suggests e-cigarettes are harmful to human health and much remains unknown about how they may affect the heart and lungs.

"We need to be very vigilant about the health effects of e-cigarettes," Palaniappan said. “我们正朝着错误的方向发展."


Risk factors for heart disease and stroke affect some groups more than others. For example, the frequency of high blood pressure among Black people in the U.S. 是世界上最高的,报告说.

“在心血管风险因素和差异方面, there is a clear indicator that we need to redouble our efforts and really build on what's been learned over the last century,马丁说. “但我们也必须开发新的、创造性的方法."

And it will be critical to make sure no one is left out of these strategies, Palaniappan added.

"We need to make sure we are reaching every nook and cranny of our population, including rural areas and those in the underserved parts of our country affected by adverse social determinants of health, 包括较低的社会经济地位和缺乏受教育的机会, 卫生保健, 健康的食物和安全的社区,她说.


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